5/2/18- Thanks to my man for bringing this site to life. This process just wouldn't be possible without him.
My blog is just my random thoughts on writing and life. Tonight, I am listening to opera music and trying to focus on how to make my web page better. So far, I can't keep my thoughts straight. This pretty much sums up my writing experience, many thoughts but not enough time to get them on paper. I must make time, I must make time.
In case you are wondering, my first book is coming soon! It is the first of three books in the series. What would you do if you found out you were the biological child of Hitler? Find out in Fourth Reich: Phoenix Rising!
5/10/18- Join a writing group! My group meets twice a month. I learn so much from this group of people. Check out these web pages of the authors in my group:
5/12/18- Writing is a lonely profession. It's just me, my computer, and my music. Let me complete one more edit- it'll be fun I said to myself. I lied. Why is it so hard to complete the last two pages?
Do you really want to know what it's like to write a book? I wrote Fourth Reich:Phoenix Rising in about two months. I have spent the last year doing edits and rewrites. I am down to the last two pages and I am floundering. I must finish, I must finish.
5/20/18- I never thought I would get to this point with my story. I just ran the last spell check on all 286 pages. What's frustrating is there are probably errors I can't find. Oh well- I leave you this from my book tonight.
For a Phoenix to rise from the ashes, it must first feel the flames of destruction.
12/28/2018- A big thanks to Jason from the Red Bay News for the pictures and article! My Facebook has blown up with friend requests. It has been an awesome day in Alabama. FYI- my mother said I should turn it into a movie script. IDK???
12/29/20- Sorry world- It’s football day in Alabama. See you tomorrow at the book signing at Cold Water Books in Tuscumbia, AL!
12/31/2018- Happy New Year! Thanks to all who came to the book signing. It will be a day that I never forget. After suffering some writer’s block, I finally was able to fix a problem with Fourth Reich: Phoenix Falling. The struggle is real.
6/13/2019- Finally! Fourth Reich:Phoenix Rising went live on Amazon today! It has been a struggle. It was ready to go and then I realized it was in the wrong format. Thanks for your patience with my process. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Helen Keller Festival on Sat. 6/29 from 12-2 for the book signing. I will have 50 copies available.